When I Am not serving cacao, I am drinking cacao


Olena works with Keith’s Cacao since 2021. When cacao wowed her with heart-opening and healing, she answered the call to share it with as many as possible. Olena serves cacao for self-discovery and believes that all problems go away once you fall in love with who you truly are. Getting to know oneself fully is especially needed now that people are being replaced by robots and search for life’s purpose. “it’s pretty awesome that such a rare, holistic medicine is legal and accessible to us to support us in these times of such overwhelming change. I am fortunate to facilitate the journeys to the heart, the best travel destination ever!

Although I have 10 years of experience in bodywork, helping with physical body pain, and have a paper stating I am a corrective exercise specialist, the services I offer are not to heal but to offer clarity to the deeper origins that conventional medicine is not looking at. Once you have a better idea, you can plan your actions accordingly, as the state of the unknown alone can be taxing on your health.

You may already know that body keeps the score and emotional trauma is manifested in our posture. Still, because you didn't learn body language in school, you don't understand the wisdom it's trying to communicate through tension or pain. So by the time we turn 30, it feels like we wear a tight outfit, and no amount of stretching helps loosen it. Because we disregarded the early signs, choosing financial safety and success as priorities, the tension accumulates into a disease that can either be diagnosed and treated with delicious medications or become a mystery diagnosis. The latter is a better outcome because you will avoid the side effects and their treatment.

And while I admit I am slightly sad about your willingness to fill prescriptions with the same regularity you stock your fridge, I appreciate medical professionals, especially those who help with surgeries.


Where are you from?

Mariupol, Ukraine, USSR. No, I do not have any family there, but I still feel for the country.

How long have you been In the USA?

16 years, yet I am a citizen, and yes, I like it here!

Why are you single?

There are several reasons I have summarized in this story.

What is the purpose of life?

To flower to your highest potential as a human being.

My Bold Blog