Yamas or Abstinences

5 fundamental DONOT’S to clear your path.

Developing virtues like yama and niyama is like growing steady roots, so that we can grow strong and healthy.

It is difficult to control negative thoughts in a negative environment, so first go to a happy place and then create positive thought.

  • Non-violence (Ahimsa)

    Drop the hostility and anger in your thoughts, words, and deeds. Do good and do no harm.

    If you want to create peace between two people, two nations, or the whole world, create harmonious vibrations within yourself.

  • TruthFULNESS (Satya)

    Honesty brings a state of fearlessness. If you tell the truth, you sleep better. First, you follow the truth, and then the truth will follow you. When your life is an open book without lies, the mind becomes clear and serene, and things come to you easily. "Speak what is true, speak what is pleasant." One should not separate the two. Don't tell the truth if it hurts, and don't say nice lies.

    Instead of lying or saying "I don't know" be frank and say: "I know but I don't want to tell."

  • Non-stealing (Asteya)

    A way to become the world's richest person without investing in a stock market or going to work is to use your life to serve others. Every minute we pick Nature's pocket stealing the Air we breathe. To stop being the thieves, use your life force to share serenity and joy.

    You may have never thought that stealing also means keeping others from using things. The moment we imprison our possessions, no matter money, property, or people, they escape with the first opportunity. If everyone bought for their necessity, goods would be leftover, and prices would decrease.

    Practice this attitude "If you want to come , come, when you want to go, go" and everything will stay with you.

  • Moderation (Brahmacarya)

    A way to have more energy is not to waste energy. In the name of love, we often give away our energy and lose our health. Without fully charged batteries, we can never give anything to anybody. When we are not strong mentally and physically, we won't gain real spiritual wealth. When preserved sexual energy gets transformed into subtle energy called ojas, it builds the nerves, improves brain power, and calms the mind.

    To increase subtle energy go outside to breathe or meditate in a sacred time between 4 and 6 AM.

  • Non-Greed (Aparigraha)

    When non-greed is confirmed, a thorough illumination of the how and why of one's birth comes. Stop hoarding or consuming more than you need, and don't accept gifts. We often receive gifts that are merely an advance for future obligations. Accepting bribes binds us and makes us lose our neutrality.

    Understand that desire is an endless process and renounce possessions of all but necessary items.

When we are completely free from stealing and greed, contented with what we have and serene mind, all the wealth comes to us.


The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Translation and commentary by Sri Swami Satchidanada.

Integral Yoga Publications.

Isha Foundation website.

Sadhguru app.

Android Apple

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