Niyamas or Observances

By practicing just one of yamas and niyamas all the rest will follow. When even one virtue becomes our nature the mind becomes calm and tranquil. If one is perfected there is no need to practice meditation we will automatically be meditating always.

  • PuriFy (Saucat)

    Purifying the five elements in our body is one of the first steps. When we realize that we are not the body, the time once spent admiring our bodies can be used for more meaningful acts. There are natural ways to cleanse the body, but the mind needs to be purified first, and then it becomes easier to control the senses and speech.

    Set a challenge for the day:" Today, I will be pure in thought, word and deed."

  • Be CONTENT (Santosha)

    By contentment, supreme joy is gained. However, contentment is not the same as satisfaction or pleasure. It is a mastery of just being without relying on outside things for happiness. Sorting all things into what you like and what you don't like is the basis of bondage. If you can transcend this one thing, 90% of your spiritual work is done.

    Think about it this way; if something comes we let it come, if it doesn't it doesn't matter.


    Directly translated, it means "to burn." Anything burned out is purified, as gold becomes better each time it comes out of the fire. Tapas also means to accept pain, which also refers to self-discipline because it is hard to receive the pain without returning it. But if we see pain as the opportunity to steady our minds, we will even thank the people who cause it. And when we see someone suffering, we will remember that they are allowed to become better, and there is no need to feel sorry for them. Remember the saying "No pain, no gain" and become best friends with your pain.

    Notice if flowery words make you happy but insults upset you that is a sign that the mind needs more tapas.

  • SElF Study (SVadHyaya)

    Every scripture has its own esoteric meaning in story form. In ancient times, they didn't want everybody to understand the techniques and follow them without proper preparation. But once we have purity of the mind, no doubt someone will come and explain their true meaning. When the disciple is ready, the Guru comes. Besides studying spiritual books, svadhyaya also refers to doing our spiritual practice, which, when done regularly, becomes our study.

    Start with Inner Engineering program and get initiated into your spiritual practice by a living Guru.

  • Surrender (Isvarapranidhana)

    All worry is due to mental attachments and clinging to possessions. By dedicating everything to God and surrendering our lives to the benefit of humanity, samadhi is attained. Samadhi does not mean sitting in a cave renounced of earthy pleasures. It is a tranquility of the mind which is only possible if we are free from all attachment. But God is not sitting on a cloud waiting for our devotion or donations. By having the right attitude, we can transform anything into serving the wellbeing of all humanity, which is God worship.

    Understand that your life is not more significant than that of an ant.

When the mind becomes calm and clear by being free of desires and obligations we gain the capacity to see how our desires caused our present birth.


The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Translation and commentary by Sri Swami Satchidanada.

Integral Yoga Publications.

Isha Foundation website.

Sadhguru app.

Android Apple


Sharing resources that may help you to discover truth in an informative, minimalistic way.


Physical Postures or Asanas


Yamas or Abstinences